James Brown
Boring Music For Boring Animals
Night 2: James Brown & Dylan Marshall
Full live audio from the gig is available here
The original composition by Dylan Marshall can be found here
The New Cabal
Night 3: The Airbenders & The New Cabal
Full live audio from the gig is available here
The original composition by The Airbenders can be found here
1.1 Immermann
From Darkness, The Day
Night 1: Zephyr Quartet & 1.1 Immermann
Full live audio from the gig is available here
The original composition From Darkness, The Day by Zephyr Quartet can be found here
Across three nights during the 2014 Adelaide Fringe, two of Adelaide’s premier artists and bands featured in a meeting of minds, with two sets of musical mayhem as each performed the music of the other!

Each COMA performance is expertly recorded by Marty Jones at the Wheatsheaf Hotel in Thebarton. They are then mixed and mastered by Jarrad Payne and uploaded to our bandcamp site. You can download entire sets for free, or treat us with a generous donation. The entire archive can be found at comadelaide.bandcamp.com
Jarrad Payne and Jamie Capatch (pictured left) are hosting a new COMA radio show on 5MBS (99.9FM in Adelaide). They play a bit of live music, recorded at COMA and have a chat with some of the musicians. Sometimes they call people and chat over the phone or leave confusing messages if they don’t pick up. It airs every few Thursdays at 7pm.
You can listen to the most recent episodes below.
Stream them, download them, treat them as podcasts… the choice is yours I guess.
And don’t forget that you can download stacks of the music recorded at COMA from the archive page: comadelaide.bandcamp.com